PrairieCon GamesDays
PrairieCon only happens once a year, but to keep our community active, we host three single-day events, we call them Gamesdays.
GamesDays often take place at a community centre, with no registration, slots, or pre-arranged games – just drop in and play!
These are very casual open-gaming events with no scheduling or slots. If you see an open spot at a table, just ask if you can join in! Or, if you’re unsure of how to get involved, simply ask someone at the canteen, and we’ll do our best to help you get into a game.
Bring any kind of game you want, provided it’s family friendly. GamesDays lend themselves to board games better than other types of games, but people have ran RPGs in the past, and also miniature skirmish and war games.
Attendance is free, but PrairieCon does pay for the hall rental, we simply ask that you help us to cover these costs by purchasing snacks at our canteen!
PrairieCon Spring GamesDay
Saturday, March 22
High-Noon to 10 pm
Central Community Centre
529 – 4th Street, Brandon MB