Only a few days left to Pre-Register!

Only a few days left to Pre-Register!

Pre-registration will close on Friday, May 17 at 6 pm.

Ask your friends to come to PrairieCon!

We had a huge amount of games show up this year, which is so amazing, however, we want to make sure we have enough people to sit in and play in those games! So if you have that friend or family member who’s still on the fence about coming to PrairieCon, there’s plenty of room and plenty of great games to choose from!

Keep an eye on the games list

For the next week as some games may shuffle, now that we’re close to the weekend! Some empty games may disappear from the list, and some new games may show up!

Our Dungeons and Dragons Tournament, sponsored by I Want That Stuff is now full! There is, however, a Cover your A$$ets Tournament, hosted by ToyMasters that you can check out

Cover Your A$$ets Tournament by Toymasters

Cover Your A$$ets Tournament by Toymasters

We have another tournament coming to PrairieCon, this one is a Cover Your A$$ets Tournament, hosted by Toymasters!

In Cover Your Assets, players compete to become the first millionaire by building towers of matching sets made from 10 different types of asset cards (things like jewels, piggy banks, classic autos, and more). Each new set that is created is stacked crosswise on top of the previous set, covering, and protecting, all the sets beneath it.

The two-hour tournament has room for 20 players and prizes are supplied by Toymasters!

Head on over to our registration site and get yourself a spot in the tournament before it fills up!

Our Game Schedule is Full!

Our Game Schedule is Full!

WOW! We have so, so many games available to choose from at this year’s PrairieCon. In fact, we have so many games submitted, that we are turning off the game submissions!

We know this may come as a disappointment to some of you who still want to run a game and gain the incentives, but we’re concerned that many games won’t have enough players to run.

Any game that was submitted this morning and last night will be dealt with on a game-by-game basis to see if we can fit them onto a table somewhere and into our schedule.

Get Your Friends to Sign Up!

We have an opportunity to make this the biggest PrairieCon yet, and how fitting would it be that our largest attended event had a dinosaur theme!?! So ask your friends, ankylosaurus’ and countryfolk, to come out and play!

You have until May 18 to choose your games online and purchase your badges. Then we close the registration system for a week to get ready for PrairieCon. Game Selection will reopen when PrairieCon opens on Friday, May 24 at noon. Badges will be available in person at the registration desk.

Game Selection is Now Open

Game Selection is Now Open

Game-Ticket Selection is now open, you can choose your games at the button below.

To choose your game tickets, you’ll want to visit our registration site and look for the button to buy tickets. It will be right beside the Submit Events Button and the Buy Badge Button. (see below for an example of button placement)

If you have trouble with the registration system, contact

Badge and Ticket System

Just a(nother) reminder that our system uses badges for registration and you get a ticket for each game. You pay for your registration badge and your tickets are free once you have your badge. If you haven’t purchased your Registration Badget yet, you can do that on our registration site.

Game Selection Starts Tomorrow

Game Selection Starts Tomorrow

Game-Ticket Selection starts today at 12 pm, sharp!

If there is a game that you really want to get into, be at your computer early and be ready to log in at noon and get to your game! Some games fill up VERY fast!

To choose your game tickets, you’ll want to visit our registration site and look for the button to buy tickets. It will be right beside the Submit Events Button and the Buy Badge Button. (see below for an example of button placement)

If you have trouble with the registration system, contact

If you want to double-check your games list:

Once you’ve signed up for your games, if you choose to, you can double-check your list by clicking on Attend, and then choose My Schedule.

Badge and Ticket System

Just a(nother) reminder that our system uses badges for registration and you get a ticket for each game. You pay for your registration badge and your tickets are free once you have your badge. If you haven’t purchased your Registration Badget yet, you can do that on our registration site.