Howdy, y’all! Strap on them boots, dust off yer Stetsons, and saddle up, ‘cause PrairieCon 44 is takin’ you on a rootin’-tootin’ ride through the Wild West! That’s right, this year’s theme is…
Whether you’re a highfalutin’ card shark at the poker table, or a sharp-eyed desperado ready for an old-fashioned showdown, there’s plenty of adventure waitin’ for you. We got RPGs, board games, miniature games, and events as wild as a buckin’ bronco.
So gather yer posse, pack yer saddlebags, and come join us at PrairieCon 44. It’s gonna be wilder than a stampede! See ya down the trail, cowhands!
This year’s artwork will come soon!
PrairieCon 44 takes place May 23-25, 2025 at the Keystone Centre.
Saddle up and don’t miss out on this rip-roarin’ good time! Yeehaw!
PrairieCon is looking for an organized, motivated, mature, and dedicated person to write, run, and organize next year’s Dungeons and Dragons Tournament. The Tournament will be held May 24-25, 2025 at the Keystone Centre, in the Curling Rink Upstairs Lounge.
Here are the PrairieCon 44 Dungeons and Dragons Tournament Guidelines:
Tournament Organizer = TO Dungeon Master = DM Player Character = PC
The Adventure:
Will be for 25-30 participants. This is per day, over two days. The tournament will run once on Saturday and once on Sunday. The number of participants can be increased but is limited to seating restrictions.
The timelines allotted are from 9:00 am – 6:00 pm each day. A break for lunch between 1:00 and 2:00 is expected each day.
Must contain a scoring metric of some kind so players can be awarded prizes. How this works is up to the organizer, with input from the Games Coordinator and PrairieCon President if required. PrairieCon can also put the TO in contact with previous year’s TOs in order to get a feel for what they did. The intent is to have an objective method of scoring.
Shouldn’t contain overly graphic or explicit elements. PrairieCon is a family event and welcomes people of all ages and sensitivities.
Is recommended to contain elements, of (not necessarily equal in size) Role Playing, Exploration and Combat, to appeal to the widest array of tastes.
Is allowed to have an age minimum and a recommendation on whether players should be experienced D&D players or not. We do recommend that the tournament be relatively beginner-friendly.
Should be run using either the Dungeons and Dragons or Pathfinder roleplaying systems. (Dungeons and Dragons is preferred but not necessary) It’s recommended that the TO uses the most current ruleset for the adventure so that the majority of players are familiar with the rules, or have rules references ready if you’re using older sets;
Can be for any level. Keep in mind that high-level adventures can be more difficult for new players.
Should be for the physical tabletop. Electronic elements are welcome, and power is possible, but the majority of the tournament should be in the traditional pen-and-paper style.
What is provided by the Tournament Organizer:
The Adventure!
A crew of Dungeon Masters! We recommend a team of five or six DMs to run the adventure while you, the TO oversee the event unfold, especially if your event has any interactivity between tables. It’s also a good idea to have one or two extra DMs handy in case of scheduling conflicts/ illness.
The willingness to run at least one playtest for the adventure, and fine-tune the adventure as necessary.
Handouts (character sheets, maps, etc.) Battlemaps and Miniatures are not essential for the adventure, but they are preferred to create a better experience for the players. A limited budget is provided.
Pre-generated characters are a must.
What is provided by PrairieCon:
The space, and the facilitation of the regular PrarieCon registration system to attract participants for the event.
Promotion of the event, to generate buzz and potentially more participants.
A mutually agreed upon table layout for the tournament.
A print budget to help cover the cost of any printed materials.
Prizes! The value and quantity are TBD based on other budgets, but recommendations and ideas are welcome
Does this sound like you?
If so, then please fill out the form below before 11:59 pm on November 15!
T-shirts will be available again this year at PrairieCon to buy for $30!
This year, we’re trying something new! We’re offering personalization for your shirts! That’s right, we’ll print your name, nickname, D&D Team name, or whatever you want on the back of your shirt! For names that are really, really long, we will size the text accordingly, to fill the space. If you have an incredibly long name that we don’t think will fit, we will reach out to you to let you know.
The cost for personalization is just $5!
How do you order a personalized shirt?
Send an etransfer and fill out the form below before Thursday, May 23 at 8 pm and a shirt will be ready for you when you register at PrairieCon!
After Thursday, you can order your personalized shirt at PrairieCon up until 10 am on Sunday, and you’ll get your personalized shirt back on Sunday at 2 pm.
If you’re ready to order, then follow these steps:
1 – Send an e-transfer for $35 to and use the password: prairiecon (if you’re getting a free shirt through volunteer incentives, then you only have to e-transfer the $5 for personalization)
2 – Email your order to Penni. If you are doing a group order, please have your name first (who is paying) and the names/information to customize after.
3 – That’s it! Once we receive confirmation of your e-transfer along with your submitted order, we’ll get to work on your shirt customization!
Game Selection closes Friday at 6 pm, which is tomorrow!
This means you have until then to go in and look at your game selections and make any changes!
And finally, make sure you have checked out with your games!
When you buy tickets to games, you have to check out with them, and if you didn’t check out, then your game selections weren’t finalized. If you’re not sure, then now’s the time to double-check!
Finally, we’re almost at the Final Countdown (no, not that final countdown) You’ll see over the next few days all of our sponsor posts roll out, make sure you give them a like! And we’ll have our countdown posts, which will have some tidbits of PrairieCon info to help you get ready for the weekend.